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Untitled — Microsoft office professional plus trial


Even though this application is quite old and outdated, but there are still many people using it as of today. However, as the software not available for public anymore, you need to download Office activator and installer to run the program on your computer. Most importantly, this good old software can operate perfectly on the latest Windows 10 system operation.

The IMAP support feature in this version has also been highly developed compared to the previous series. Although there is now the latest version of MS Office , but it turns out that this application is still widely used around globally. We had checked the number of searches for office , it was still dramatically huge.

Both 32 bit and Office 64 bit is the latest. Do you want to try it? Note : If an activation code is required, use the following serial numbers :. The most popular office suite on the market has come up with the ultimate version.

Microsoft Office has been completely renovated with the launch of Windows 8, presenting important new features that go way beyond the appearance of the interface, such as its improved cloud integration that enhances collaborative work among different users, and with an overhaul of its most tradition tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook, OneDrive, Lync, OneNote, InfoPath, etc.

Microsoft’s office suite has a very new look compared to previous versions, but without giving up the flagship features and utilities that caused this package to be considered the most important office utility around. New improvements have also been implemented that help users to optimize their time better and make the most of the Internet. The successor of Office and the predecessor of the future Office comes along with loads of updates that improve its functions regarding the previous version.

As well as its greater cloud integration thanks to Office and OneDrive that we mentioned above, the majority of updates take place at graphical and visual level:. The Internet has become an important work platform and Office takes full advantage of the latter by including Microsoft in the same package. Therefore, collaborative possibilities increase , as using OneDrive makes it possible to store all the work and make it accessible from anywhere, facilitating synchronization tasks.

In addition, the suite can be installed on five different computers with a single license, an advantage that will certainly be welcomed by users. This version of Office codenamed by Microsoft as Office 15 was released on October 25, It features the following tools :. These apps are available in different packages depending on the version : Home and Students, Home and Business, Standard, Professional and Professional Plus, the first being the most basic and the last the most complete.

There are versions of Office that have a product activation key depending on how the software was purchased. This is quite usual with physical copies or new computers that have the program pre-installed. It is a combination of 25 letters and numbers with this structure :.

It may be requested during the installation process or you may need to go to Office. Then, you will find the option to activate Office, and that is where you will have to enter the key.