Our main goal is to get you out of debt!


We work only for our clients; not for the benefit of the creditors.

Becoming debt free is the first step to becoming financially secure, and debt settlement may be your best option. Our debt settlement program is actually quite simple.

How it works:

We will set you up with an affordable monthly savings plan , (which is determined on a client-by-client basis between you and a counselor at Inland ). Based upon what you are able to set aside and save each month in your savings account, we can determine how many months you will be a part of the program, and ultimately determine when you will be debt free.

We settle unsecured debt of $10,000 or more!

We Can Settle:

Credit Cards
Unsecured Loans
Unsecured Personal Loans
Medical Bills
Unsecured Personal Lines of Credit
Autos in repossession<
Student Loans

We Can’t Settle:

Utility Bills
Auto Loans
Government Loans
Most Credit Unions

Begin to take control of your life.

Call us today at 1-800-285-2016 and receive free information on alternatives.