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Perhaps it was because of their personality. Possibly it was because they had interesting things to say. Sometimes, it seems, it was just because the teacher was a fascinating person! One of the reasons that it is difficult to give general descriptions of good teachers is that different teachers are often successful in different ways.

Some teachers are more extrovert or introvert than others, for example, and different teachers have different strengths and weaknesses. A lot will depend, too, on how students view individual teachers and here again, not all students will share the same opinions.

But there are also others, perhaps, who do not have what appears to be a natural gift but who are still effective and popular teachers. Such teachers learn their craft through a mixture of personality, intelligence, knowledge and experience and how they reflect on it. It is true that some lessons and students can be difficult and stressful at times, but it is also worth remembering that at its best teaching can also be extremely enjoyable.

In this chapter we will look at what is necessary for effective teaching and how that can help to provoke success – so that for both students and teachers learning English can be rewarding and enjoyable.

They take note, either consciously or subconsciously, of whether we are always the same or whether we can be flexible, depending on what is happening at a particular point in the lesson. As we have said, teachers, like any other group of hum an beings, have individual differences. However, one of the things, perhaps, that differentiates us from some other professions, is that we become different people, in a way, when we are in front of a class from the people we are in other situations, such as at home or at a party.

Everyone switches roles like this in their daily lives to some extent, but for teachers, who we are or appear to be when we are at work is especially important. Personality Some years ago, in preparation for a presentation to colleagues, I recorded interviews with a large num ber of teachers and students.

Effective teacher personality is a blend between who we really are, and who we are as teachers. We have to be able to present a professional face to the students which they find both interesting and effective. When we walk into the classroom, we want them to see someone who looks like a teacher whatever else they look like.

This does not mean conforming to some kind of teacher stereotype, but rather finding, each in our own way, a persona that we adopt when we cross the threshold. We need to ask ourselves what kind of personality we want our students to encounter, and the decisions we take before and during lessons should help to demonstrate that personality. This is not to suggest that we are in any way dishonest about who we are – teaching is not acting, after all – but we do need to think carefully about how we appear.

Adaptability W hat often marks one teacher out from another is how they react to different events in the classroom as the lesson proceeds. This is im portant, because however well we have prepared, the chances are that things will not go exactly to plan. We will discuss such magic moments and unforeseen problems on page This is especially im portant when the learning outcomes we had planned for look as if they may not succeed because of what is happening.

We have to be flexible enough to work with this and change our destination accordingly if this has to be done or find some other way to get there. Or perhaps we have to take a decision to continue what we are doing despite the interruption to the way we imagined things were going to proceed.

When students see that they can do this, their confidence in their teachers is greatly enhanced. If, for example, the teacher always acts as a controller, standing at the front of the class, dictating everything that happens and being the focus of attention, there will be little chance for students to take much responsibility for their own learning, in other words, for them to have agency see page Being a controller may work for grammar explanations and other information presentation, for instance, but it is less effective for activities where students are working together cooperatively on a project, for example.

In such situations we may need to be prompters, encouraging students, pushing them to achieve more, feeding in a bit of information or language to help them proceed. At other times, we may need to act as feedback providers helping students to evaluate their performance or as assessors telling students how well they have done or giving them grades, etc.

We also need to be able to function as a resource for language information, etc when students need to consult us and, at times, as a language tutor that is, an advisor who responds to what the student is doing and advises them on what to do next. The way we act when we are controlling a class is very different from the listening and advising behaviour we will exhibit when we are tutoring students or responding to a presentation or a piece of writing something that is different, again, from the way we assess a piece of work.

Part of our teacher personality, therefore, is our ability to perform all these roles at different times, but with the same care and ease whichever role we are involved with. This flexibility will help us to facilitate the many different stages and facets of learning.

Rapport A significant feature in the intrinsic motivation of students see page 20 will depend on their perception of what the teacher thinks of them, and how they are treated. Rapport means, in essence, the relationship that the students have with the teacher, and vice versa.

In the best lessons we will always see a positive, enjoyable and respectful relationship. Rapport is established in part when students become aware of our professionalism see above , but it also occurs as a result of the way we listen to and treat the students in our classrooms.

In the first place, students want teachers to know their names rather than, say, just pointing at them. But this is extremely difficult for teachers who see eight or nine groups a week. How can they remember all their students? One m ethod is to ask the students at least in the first week or two to put name cards on the desk in front of them or stick name badges on to their sweaters or jackets.

We can also draw up a seating plan and ask students always to sit in the same place until we have learnt their names. Many teachers use the register to make notes about individual students Do they wear glasses?

Are they tall? We need, therefore, to find ways of doing this that suit us best. At any age, they will be pleased when they realise that their teacher has remembered things about them, and has some understanding of who they are. Listening to students Students respond very well to teachers who listen to them. But we need to listen properly to students in lessons too. And we need to show that we are interested in what they have to say. Respecting students One student I interviewed had absolutely no doubt about the key quality of good teachers.

Correcting students see page 97 is always a delicate event. The problem we face, however, is that while some students are happy to be corrected robustly, others need more support and positive reinforcement. In speaking activities see Chapter 9 , some students want to be corrected the m om ent they make any mistake, whereas others would like to be corrected later.

In other words, just as students have different learning styles and intelligences, so, too, they have different preferences when it comes to being corrected. But whichever method of correction we choose, and whoever we are working with, students need to know that we are treating them with respect, and not using mockery or sarcasm – or expressing despair at their efforts! Respect is vital, too, when we deal with any kind of problem behaviour.

We could, of course, respond to indiscipline or awkwardness by being biting in our criticism of the student who has done something we do not approve of. Yet this will be counterproductive. It is the behaviour we want to criticise, not the character of the student in question. Teachers who respect students do their best to see them in a positive light. They are not negative about their learners or in the way they deal with them in class.

They do not react with anger or ridicule when students do unplanned things, but instead use a respectful professionalism to solve the problem. Being even-handed Most teachers have some students that they like more than others. For example, we all tend to react well to those who take part, are cheerful and cooperative, take responsibility for their own learning, and do what we ask of them w ithout complaint.

Sometimes we are less enthusiastic about those who are less forthcoming, and who find learner autonomy, for example, more of a challenge. The reasons that some students are not forthcoming may be many and varied, ranging from shyness to their cultural or family backgrounds. Sometimes students are reluctant to take part overtly because of other stronger characters in the group. And these quiet students will only be negatively affected when they see far more attention being paid to their more robust classmates.

At the same time, giving some students more attention than others may make those students more difficult to deal with later since they will come to expect special treatment, and may take our interest as a licence to become overdominant in the classroom. Treating all students equally not only helps to establish and maintain rapport, but is also a m ark of professionalism.

As professionals we are also asked to perform certain tasks. Part of this preparation resides in the knowledge they have of their subject and the skill of teaching, something we will discuss in detail on pages But another feature of being well-prepared is having thought in advance of what we are going to do in our lessons.

As we walk towards our classroom, in other words, we need to have some idea of what the students are going to achieve in the lesson; we should have some learning outcomes in our head. O f course, what happens in a lesson does not always conform to our plans for it, as we shall discuss on pages , but students always take comfort from the perception that their teacher has thought about what will be appropriate for their particular class on that particular day. The degree to which we plan our lessons differs from teacher to teacher.

It will often depend, among other things, on whether we have taught this lesson or something like it before. We will discuss planning in detail in Chapter Keeping records Many teachers find the administrative features of their job taking the register, filling forms, writing report cards irksome, yet such record keeping is a necessary adjunct to the classroom experience.

There is one particularly good reason for keeping a record of what we have taught. It works as a way of looking back at what we have done in order to decide what to do next.

It is im portant for professional teachers to try to evaluate how successful an activity has been in terms of student engagement and learning outcomes. If we do this, we will start to amend our teaching practice in the light of experience, rather than getting stuck in sterile routines.

It is one of the characteristics of good teachers that they are constantly changing and developing their teaching practice as a result of reflecting on their teaching experiences. Being reliable Professional teachers are reliable about things like timekeeping and homework.

It is very difficult to berate students for being late for lessons if we get into the habit for whatever reason of turning up late ourselves. It is unsatisfactory to insist on the prom pt delivery of homework if it takes us weeks to correct it and give it back. Teacher skills As we have suggested, who we are and the way we interact with our students are vital components in successful teaching, as are the tasks which we are obliged to undertake.

But these will not make us effective teachers unless we possess certain teacher skills. Managing classes Effective teachers see classroom management as a separate aspect of their skill. We will know how to put students into groups, or when to start and finish an activity.

We will have worked out what kinds of instructions to give, and what order to do things in. We will have decided whether students should work in groups, in pairs or as a whole class. We will have considered whether we want to move them around the class, or move the chairs into a different seating pattern see pages We will discuss classroom management in more detail in Chapter 3. Successful class management also involves being able to prevent disruptive behaviour and reacting to it effectively when it occurs see pages Matching tasks and groups Students will learn more successfully if they enjoy the activities they are involved in and are interested or stimulated by the topics we or they bring into the classroom.

But even in such situations there is a lot we can do to make sure we cater for the range of needs and interests of the students in our classes see pages Many teachers have the unsettling experience of using an activity with, say, two or three groups and having considerable success only to find that it completely fails in the next class.

However, what such experiences clearly suggest is that we need to think carefully about matching activities and topics to the different groups we teach. Whereas, for example, some groups seem happy to work creatively on their own, others need more help and guidance. Where some students respond well to teacher presentation with the teacher acting as a controller , others are much happier when they investigate language issues on their own.

Variety Good teachers vary activities and topics over a period of time. The best activity type will be less motivating the sixth time we ask the students to take part in it than it was when they first came across it. Much of the value of an activity, in other words, resides in its freshness. But even where we use the same activity types for some reason because the curriculum expects this or because it is a feature of the materials we are using , it is im portant to try to ensure that learner roles are not always the same.

Sometimes they might compare answers in pairs; sometimes they might interview each other about the text; sometimes they m ight do all the work on their own. Variety works within lessons, too. It is not just children who can become bored by doing the same thing all the time. However, we might make a different kind of activity, such as a role-play, last for longer than this.

A lot depends on exactly what we are asking students to do. We will discuss ways of using and adapting coursebooks in more detail in Chapter Destinations W hen we take learning activities into the classroom, we need to persuade our students of their usefulness. Good activities should have some kind of destination or learning outcome, and it is the job of the teacher to make this destination apparent. Students need to have an idea of where they are going, and more importantly, to recognise when they have got there.

Nevertheless, even in such circumstances, it will be helpful if we can make sure that students leave the class with some tangible result. That is why a summing-up, or feedback session at the end of a discussion, for example, is so valuable. Teacher knowledge Apart from the ability to create and foster good teacher-student rapport and the possession of skills necessary for organising successful lessons, teachers need to know a lot about the subject they are teaching the English language.

They will need to know what equipment is available in their school and how to use it. They need to know what materials are available for teachers and students. They should also do their best to keep abreast of new developments in teaching approaches and techniques by consulting a range of print material, online resources, and by attending, where possible, development sessions and teacher seminars.

The language system Language teachers need to know how the language works. This means having a knowledge of the grammar system and understanding the lexical system: how words change their shape depending on their grammatical function, and how they group together into phrases.

They need to be aware of pronunciation features such as sounds, stress and intonation. These different features of the language system are explained in Chapter 5. Students have a right to expect that teachers of the English language can explain straightforward gram m ar concepts, including how and when they are used.

They expect their teachers to know the difference between the colloquial language that people use in informal conversation and the more formal language required in more formal settings. They also expect teachers to be able to demonstrate and help them to pronounce words correctly and with appropriate intonation. W hen students have doubts about the language, they frequently ask their teachers to explain things.

But at other times the issue is one of great complexity and even the most experienced teacher will have difficulty giving an instant answer. In other words, our knowledge of the language system may not be adequate for certain kinds of on-the-spot questions about subtleties.

Moreover, sometimes the question is not especially relevant – it is a distraction from what is going on in the lesson. But you can find the answer yourself if you go to this book. Students will realise that these answers are perfectly appropriate when the teacher does indeed return for the next lesson with the information that they have promised. Materials and resources When students ask the kind of complicated questions m entioned above, good teachers know where to find the answers.

We need, in other words, to know about books and websites where such technical information is available. No one expects teachers to be all-knowing in this respect: what colleagues and students can expect, however, is that teachers know where to find at least one good reference grammar at the appropriate level, or a good MLD, or can direct them to a library or a website where they can find these things.

If teachers are using a coursebook, students expect them, of course, to know how the materials work. Their confidence will be greatly enhanced if they can see that the teacher has looked at the material they are using before the lesson, and has worked out a way of dealing with it. Classroom equipment Over the last few decades the growth in different types of classroom equipment has been incredible.

Once upon a time we only had pens, board and chalk to work with. But then along came the tape recorder, the language laboratory, video machines, the overhead projector, computers, data projectors and interactive whiteboards these are all described in Appendix A on page Some teachers are more comfortable with these various pieces of educational technology than others. This will always be the case.

There is no reason why everyone should be equally proficient at everything. However, students will expect that teachers should know how to use the equipm ent that they have elected to use. Learning how to use various types of equipment is a major part of m odern teacher training. However, we should do everything in our power to avoid being overzealous about the equipm ent itself. It is only worth using if it can do things that other equipment or routines cannot.

The essentials of good teaching – i. W hat has changed recently, though, is that students can do things they were unable to do before thanks to technical innovation. Thus m odern podcasts downloadable listening which can be played on individual MP3 players give students many more listening opportunities than ever before. They can burn CDs with examples of their work and the materials used in class to take home when a course has finished.

They can search for a wide range of language and information resources in a way that would have been impossible a few years ago. As teachers, we need to do everything we can to keep abreast of technological change in educational resources. But we should never let technology drive our decisions about teaching and learning. We should, instead, decide what our learners want to achieve and only then see what kind of techniques and technology will help them to do this.

Keeping up-to-date Teachers need to know how to use a variety of activities in the classroom, of course, but they also need to be constantly finding out about new ways of doing things. There is now a wealth of information about teaching on the Internet, too. Magazines, books and websites often contain good descriptions of new activities and how to use them. In the first place, it is difficult for newly qualified teachers to keep everything in their heads at the same time as they struggle with the demands of a new job.

Nevertheless, as they learn their craft, we would expect them to be hungry for as much knowledge in these areas as possible since this will make them better teachers. Secondly, this kind of knowledge is not static, hence the need to keep up-to-date. Things change almost daily. New books, classroom equipm ent and computer software are being produced all the time, just as teachers keep coming up with wonderful new ways of doing old things such as grammar presentation or discussion activities.

Staying in touch with these developments can seem daunting, of course, because of the pace of change, but it is worth remembering how deadly it would be if things always stayed the same.

Art or science? Is teaching language an art, then, or is it a science? As this chapter has shown, there are good grounds for focusing its almost-scientific attributes. Understanding the language system and finding the best ways to explain it is some kind of a scientific endeavour, especially when we continue to research its changes and evolution. In the same way, some of the technical skills that are required of teachers procedures for how to do things, a constant attention to innovation in educational technology and materials design need to be almost scientific in their rigour.

Yet teaching is an art, too. It works when the relationship that is created between teacher and students, and between the students in a group, is at its best. If we have managed to establish a good rapport with a group, almost anything is possible. We have discussed some of the key requirements in creating such a rapport, yet behind everything we have said lurks the possibility of magic – or a lack of it. Because the way some teachers are able to establish fantastic rapport, or get students really interested in a new activity may be observable, but trying to work out exactly how it was done or why it happened may be more difficult.

For as we have said, good teachers listen and watch, and use both professional and personal skills to respond to what they see and hear. These include how the classroom space is organised, whether the students are working on their own or in groups and how we organise classroom time. We also need to consider how we appear to the students, and how we use our most valuable asset – our voice. The way we talk to students – and who talks most in the lesson – is another key factor in classroom management.

Successful classroom management also involves being able to deal with difficult situations – an issue we will discuss on pages The teacher in the classroom O ur physical presence can play a large part in our management of the classroom environment. The way we move and stand, and the degree to which we are physically demonstrative can have a clear effect on the management of the class.

Most importantly, the way we are able to respond to what happens in class, the degree to which we are aware of what is going on, often marks the difference between successful teaching and less satisfactory lessons. All teachers, like all people, have their own physical characteristics and habits, and they will take these into the classroom with them.

Proximity Teachers need to consider how close they should be to the students they are working with. Hebatnya lagi, produk yang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun ini tidak hanya kompatibel untuk Windows saja, karena bisa berjalan dengan baik di Linux dan MacOS. Sejauh ini, Microsoft Office hadir di 35 bahasa yang berbeda-beda.

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