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Adobe premiere pro cc wont uninstall free. How to uninstall adobe premiere pro

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Press Windows + R, type “replace.me” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Locate Adobe CC and after right-clicking, select Uninstall. If you. 1. Go to the installation folder of Adobe Premiere Pro Most of the times it is located in C:\Programs files or C:\Program files(x86) · 2. Locate uninstall. C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Premiere Pro · C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\ · C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

Adobe premiere pro cc wont uninstall free


Please clarify why you wish to Disable Windows Defender and advise exactly what happens when you try to do it.

I should have advised you earlier that the Fitgirl site is legitimate. Please copy the contents from this text file and paste into your next reply. To summarize, I’d like to see the following in your next reply. Details of what happens when you try to disable Windows Defender.

Posted 09 August – PM. Well, for windows defender even if i disable it from group policy it just turns itself on again after a while or a restart,. Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account.

Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer. Welcome to BleepingComputer , a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers.

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Please log in to reply. Posted 02 August – AM So i was looking for help on a bsod im having and the guy that was helping me pointed out that i haven open connections to fake fitgirl websites. Back up any important data, as a precaution before starting this process.

If you are unsure about anything then please ask. This makes the task much easier in the long run. Do not run any other tools or make changes to your system during the removal process. Please do not start a new topic and keep all replies in this thread. Follow the instructions in the sequence advised. Copy and paste the logs into the reply. I will advise if anything needs to be added as an attachment. Here at Bleeping Computer we are mostly volunteers, so please be patient with us.

You will be advised if it is expected to be longer than 48 hours. Please note that I am still a student, so there may be a delay while an instructor checks my posts.

This is to ensure you get the best possible help. Please let me know if you are going to be delayed in responding. Sometimes things might seem to be resolved, but there may still need to be more checks necessary, so please wait until I give the all clear.

Posted 04 August – AM Sorry for the delay. Right click the esetonlinescanner. Click Get started. In the Terms of use screen, click Accept if you agree to the Terms of use.

Click Get started i n the welcome screen. Select your preference for the Customer Experience Improvement Program and the Detection feedback system. Click Continue. Click Computer scan , in the Welcome back screen.

Choose Full scan on the next screen. Then click Start scan Please note that this process can take several hours to complete. Click continue On the next screen, you can leave feedback about the program if you wish. Select Delete application’s data on closing , if you are short of disk space or do not wish to retain the program for future use. If you left feedback, click Submit and continue. If not, Close without feedback.

Confirmation that any illegal software has been removed. Posted 04 August – PM things are removed. Posted 04 August – PM Many thanks. Posted 05 August – AM Here are some observations for your consideration.

Report on whether the page says Turn on sync In the upper right corner of the window slide the Developer mode button to the right. Running this on another machine may cause damage to your operating system Right click on the FRST icon and select Run as administrator.

It is not necessary to paste the information anywhere as FRST will do this for you. If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally.

After that let the tool complete its run. Processes closed successfully. The system cannot find the file specified. Error occurred while processing: Files. The system cannot find the path specified. Posted 05 August – PM Could you please provide an update on how your computer is running now. Thanks Dennis. Posted 05 August – PM its running ok. Posted 06 August – PM That’s good news. Posted 08 August – PM i can’t seem to be able to disable windows defender anymore.

Edited by lerox87, 08 August – PM. Posted 09 August – AM Please clarify why you wish to Disable Windows Defender and advise exactly what happens when you try to do it. It looked like it finished installing and came up with the screen for analytic permission and I tried to move a not shown curser. It looks like my mouse is not working. Can I do that by key board? The mouse has new batteries and was working before the installation.

Catalina installed and the first thing to come up is Analytics and I can not us the mouse to say continue. And when i tried to install catalina, it says i need to plug my laptop to ac. I use MacPro Can late Tried bootable-Usb.

Updating from Software Update System Preferences also has this message. This is what I did with my MacPro Booted computer using the external drive. Cloned entire external drive to new SSD in the computer. Shut down everything, disconnected external drive, and then started up the computer on its internal drive. Everything OK! There appears to be no straightforward way to delete the App duplicates.

In both cases, the Finder now shows 2 copies of all Apple supplied Apps but Launcher only shows 1 copy of each App. Otherwise, the upgrade to Catalina for me has been uneventful. I am up to date with a new, new install of Catalina There is no other information indicating what the incompatibility is.

How do I fix this? Upgrading from I solved this by downloading the complete This install finished properly but running Repeatedly killing the XprotectService process makes it possibnle to get some basic things done nut not much more.

I managed to migrate my data from the internal disk to the USB disk took very very long due to the XprotectService problem , and then managed to install Running from the internal disk does not trigger the XProtectService problem, so I have been happy but waiting for Unfortunately, the Downloading the combo Installing the Installation log gives the following errors:.

Dec 12 hermit Installer[]: Ignoring post-logout for non-restart install Dec 12 hermit Installer[]: Package Authoring Error: PackageInfo bundle reference found without top-level bundle definition.

Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. The only problem after installingCatalina is start up, at times it takes 2 full minutes to boost, sometimes I have to force a shutdown, and restart, then were good to go.

After reading all the comments and problems, one wonders when Apple is going to fix these problems. These are the types of problems that until now, only microsoft had with their OS versions. I always felt sorry for my brother when he had to spend hours upon hours messing around to get his windoze OS to work and function properly. Now it just seems Cook and Apple are satisfied selling phones, watches and aps, but not that into computers or operating systems that were light years ahead of windoze.

This is a sad day, especially since I am an Apple stock holder. Steve Jobs is spinning in his grave. These are a bunch of yidiyidi ya, bla bla bla! Apple will have to provide a solution for their mess! On top of this mess, they totally screwed the pooch on itunes making it impossible for me to transfer my entire library and play lists to Catalina.

Anyone have a fix for this? I would like to figure out how to use iTunes in Catalina or at least keep my iPods updated with it…. Decided not to upgrade OS to Catalina until the bugs were worked out. Finally decided to NOT upgrade until Apple gets its act together with subsequent releases ofCatalina. Purchase a new Aura Pro X2 drive. Swap out the old Aura drive and install the new drive.

Install Catalina. If you have a different external drive, just clone to that, swap the drives, boot to the clone and clone it back to the new SSD! Thank you again for contacting us at OWC. If you need any further assistance with this issue or anything else, please feel free to reply directly to this message or give us a call by phone!

We truly appreciate your time and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. The SSD has stopped working. It would be very expensive to fix it. So it looks like me options are a. Maybe I have done something wrong creating the fusion drive, but it looks fine and is recognised as a fusion drive in disk utility. Computer will not deep sleep after update. Apple support states its 3rd party apps but its insane that these updates are killing basic functionality.

Have tries to change hibernatemode and remove software but no luck. Any one fix any deep sleep issues so battery stops draining. About halfway through progress bar , I got a failure message that the installation ran out of storage. It then restarted my machine. I put in my admin password, it switched to the Apple logo, the progress bar went halfway, and then the machine shut off …. A Safe installation Shift at Apple logo did nothing. Shutting down, Restarting, and Shutting down and unplugging does nothing different.

At this point, Catalina has killed this machine. I suspect it will never have enough space to install Catalina, but I could use help on how to get the machine back. For some reason during the install it reformatted ine of my external drives. I lost everything on ut. The download and install processes was carried out normally with several reboots. After the Mac OS Catalina configuration process and one reboot, my iMac showed a green window with the flashing question mark on a folder icon.

The issue I have is about the physical HDD disk. I feel that this conversion was not done right. I updated my iMac later to Catalina from Mojave. The issue i have is no bootable disk. The problem I have is no backup data available. I do not want loose all my data. Do you have some tips to fix my issue or some comments?

I created the bootable USB no problem. I updated my iMac later to Catarina from Mojave. Thanks in advance. I installed Cataline big mistake!!! Where am I supposed to store all my files, on my desktop? Any help would be appreciated. I have a mid Macbook Pro. Leave it to Apple to take a good OS like Mojave and overcomplicate it with the next one. Macs used to be fun and Steve Jobs made sure of that, now they are a ship lost at sea.

I installed Catalina and on the 1st day computer was fine. Now my internet is dial up slow, so slow that things will time out before connecting.

Also if I go to shut down it always restarts with the message that my computer restarted because there was a problem. No kidding. Nothings seems to help. Oh brother…. Froze after near-complete install. They said Apple does not support third party ram…. I tried installing Catalina for how many times but never completed. I lost almost 12gb just by trying to install Catalina. I have a iMac, never had issues before. I proceed with the update as what Catalina is offering is appealing. Then just as it gets to the end of rebooting it hangs for hours.

But had to go through the long process of reinstalling Adobe software, linking the companies dropbox. And now using Stellar Data Recovery to recover all the files that were cleared on the fresh install. The recovery process is long because the drive is 1 tb and as a designer I had a lot on it. I have a backup of most of it but not stuff I did in the past month that was my fault.

The recovery took 14 hours but was able to retrieve almost everything critical that I needed. I installed all the way and then when I got to the final step accepting new terms and conditions for iCloud I accepted these new terms and got the spinning beach ball. Had to manually shut down my laptop and upon restart everything is looking wonky and working slowly. Likely have too uninstall. I cannot download macOS Catalina. This is the message I get from Apple Store when trying to upgrade.

Apple Care have NOT had anyone else contact them with this problem. AND they do not have a solution. Spent hours with them. I have a Macbook air No problem with my Imac.

One saying Mac and the other saying Mac- Data. Both the same drive with the same size but the data one seems to highlight the data. How do I remove the Catalina installer that I downloaded? Thanks for any help. The installer downloads into the Applications folder — you should be able to just delete it without any problem. Thanks for the tips. I see that some of the old tricks from previous systems, almost all the way back, might still work on Catalina and Mojave which is on my previous laptop.

Just a little more difficult to track things through the system and connect them all. I want to enjoy my Mac like I did early Apple products. It is what made Apple great back then and why Steve Jobs was successful. He saw what people needed, but also realized that computers could be fun and made sure Apples were…. Again, thanks for the help. The real problem? But just in case, I would highly recommend you call Customer Support at 1. I am also unable to install Catalina.

My hope was that these problems were over after the incredibly difficult situation with Mojave. Odd, I also have a Mac, which is currently stuck in an unusable state after I attempted to update to Catalina. If so, how did you get your Mac back to a usable state? Tried installing Catalina. A MacBook pro. Could this be a problem? At least the techs at OWC should look into it to find the problem or avert other problems with their SS drives.

Same thing happened to me. I recently bought an excellent condition Mackbook Pro from you. I had some real problems with Catalina and with the Migration assistant. I have a similar Macbook Pro I bought from you a couple of years ago. The old one works with it plugged into a stand-alone monitor, but is erratic when watching the lap screen.

Anyway, I tried to use the apple migration assistant utility and it froze during the transfer of apps, programs, and files from the source computer. I tried everything to get it up and running again and finally, the next day, I was able to run it when I held down command and R to put it in restore mode. From there I was able to reinstall Catalina in about 3 hours time. I have about GB of stuff I need on the new computer so I can send out the old one for repair.

I think it is a short or another problem with the screen of the laptop. Please advise me. I am a regular customer and have bought a ton of stuff from you including 3 computers, several hard drives and memory updates. In response to your second question, I would recommend calling OWC customer service at 1.

Perhaps someone here will have thoughts as well! Migration Assistant is usually the best method to transfer your apps, documents and files to a new Mac, but there are a few other ways. The harder item to move over are any third-party apps. This comes from a long history of very mixed success at copying apps to a new Mac.

The exception is old Apple apps that are no longer supplied. You can try copying those, but I would not expect them to work under Catalina. Third-party apps can be copied over, make sure you place them in the same directory as the original.

Now for the hard part, to get third-party apps to work, you will also need to copy over any support files they may use. Additionally, some locations in the older Mac system may be off-limits for you to copy to in the new Catalina system, so you may need to update the apps anyway to get them to run.

So when Catalina went golden, as soon as I had some time I wanted to see if Catalina would solve my hang problems. I had a GB Boot Camp and a 2. I created a bootable Catalina install flash drive and booted from that. I somehow managed to delete the Boot Camp and looked in the GUI at repartitioning the fusion drive and found to my surprise that there was a 2.

I somehow managed to delete the Mac partition and was left with a 5. I then migrated everything back from one of my CCC clones. At first I though my situation unique, until I searched the Apple Community forms and found someone in a nearly identical situation. I posted how I dealt with the situation, and he was able to get his system working by doing the same thing through internet recovery and installing from there.

Verne Arase Former Sr. Deskstop and Network support same responsibilities, deprecated title Retired. It asked to quit the installer and select start up disk but none appear in the list. My problem has been trying to download Catalina. I have a 75 mbps line. It starts downloading at full speed MBps but after the first gigabyte of the 8. Where am I supposed to store them, if not on my hard drive? Anyone know? Especially since the new Catalina system makes use of a read-only system volume. You can place the Relocated Items you wish to keep anywhere in the user space, this can be done by placing them anywhere under your user name.

In both cases, it was the same issue — Select the drive, click Install, get the spinning beach ball of death. This was frustrating — until I tried to create one. Lo and behold! The same for my rMBP! I have a Macbook pro retina Early edition and when I chose the update of Catalina it hangs up on the download so then after a while I come back to the computer and see the preferences window is gone and I have to start the process over. This has happened about times already. I am thinking of waiting until they get this ironed out.

I treat them better than I treat humans. Thats the last MacBook Pro I will ever buy. The increasing difficulty of user upgrades is frustrating to us all. And though it takes a little bit of skill, it is possible to upgrade the battery yourself on an early MBP. If you select your model here , it will show you the correct replacement battery. Selecting your model on the Install Videos Page will lead you to an step-by-step instructional video for changing the battery yourself.

Perhaps this can be a cost-effective option for you. I have a question about Hibernatemode 25 and Catalina. Up to and with Mojave you could close the MacBook Pro mid no retina and then the notebook was in deep sleep Hibernate mode 25 and did nothing until I opened it again.

Now under Catalina the notebook apparently only goes into retirement and no longer into deep sleep. But the hibernation mode 25 itself is activated. Does anyone know anything about this? Many thanks and many greetings DarkAqua. Tried backing up and directory seemed to be restored, but then was lost and back to the incomplete dir. Working on this. The MBP stays at this point, presumably forever — I actually let it stay that way overnight once.

Rebooting the MBP seems to resolve the issue as installation proceeds normally. That machine is currently booted from an external MaxStore drive, circa , believe it or not, so my guess is Catalina may not put in on that one. Hope Apple gets all these installation bugs eradicated soon! Imac late with Catalina update, all ok apart from now I cannot access energy saver preferences.

Any ideas to resolve this? For those of you still having installation issues, we have posted a new article, How to Downgrade from macOS Catalina to Mojave or Earlier if this is something you are interested in trying. That downloaded and installed Catalina on my internal drive. That worked fine. When it asked if I wanted my data from my cloned drive or a Time Machine Back up, I chose the time machine and it took about an hour to decide what files to restore and then couple more hours to actually restore my data.

Would restoring from a cloned drive been any faster than from a Time Machine back up? Has anyone actually timed the difference between the two options? When I tried to choose a startup disk, nothing appears. Not like Mac to leave me hanging.

After installing Catalina many of my project folders are white instead of blue. They seem to open as normal but is there a fix for this? It will create as a normal blue rectangular folder. So I shut the IMac down and restarted. The installation then was able to finish. After an upgrade install to Catalina i now have 3 Hardrives on my disk utilities, 2 of the Harddrives say Harddtve Data. I have tried closing the Catalina OS download screen and restarting it with no luck. The only things open are the download screen and the Finder screen.

Thank you. Hi i upgraded today. The log file is no help to me. I can restart, view the log, run disk utilities. Safari daily used Folder Bookmark Tool Bar in Safari put in adjacent folder — odd but easily sorted out. YouTube video in Chrome same issue. I updated my MacBook Pro with Catalina Everything seemed okay.

It shows up on my desktop and you can open it, however it cannot be used as a bootable start-up disk. FW is a no, no. However Apple has thrown us a major curve-ball in the Security Dept. You can start-up from an external drive, but you can no longer remove unwanted Apple Apps.

This is a real deal breaker for anyone that wants to customize their Mac using the latest Mac OS! However, when you open the System Folder you can see another Applications Folder where the Apple Apps are hidden away. For now, I have the necessary answers. To me this is just really strange! However, for some kind of Security purpose, maybe Apple has a reason for this.

If you think that using it is getting strange, you should try developing apps for it …. One copy has the cloud icon with an X through it. The other copy has the download icon next to it. On Catalina some of my folders look like a blank text edit file[white], same shape, not the shape of a folder.

They work as if they are a folder. Tried moving one from another Mojave Mac [air drop]. It still looked like a blank text edit file! The message says to uninstall, use the start up disc. But when the option to choose a start up disc appears there is nothing I can type.

My only option is to restart and get caught up in the not enough room loop. Restart does nothing. Also having this issue. Every time I restart, I get the same message. I now have a very expensive unusable paperweight. Two were vanilla upgrades and on my Mac mini, I created a new partition and installed Calalina on it, leaving Mojave on the other so I have legacy software working until the vendors upgrade, or not.

I had a bit of configuration to do to reactivate extensions, but that was expected. Works better on my second display. Since downloading Catalina, all hell has broken loose. My password manager will not open. My printer will not respond.

Choosing this or any other file offered produces not effect. Broke the dual displays on my Late Mac Mini. The Thunderbolt-to-VGA adapter works. Apple support has no clue. Rolled back to Mojave and everything is OK. Apple support is calling back next week after I restore Catalina from a Time Machine backup so they can download the logs for review. I had same experience as I did not risk installing Catalina on my boot drive, but on a different drive.

When I started up on my Boot drive Mojave , I had this same problem you are describing. I successfully installed Catalina, but then I found that my hard drive was locked and could not be unlocked in the System Preferences. All of my files were transferred to a folder on the desktop called Relocated Items which I can access. The only items in my hard drive are four folders labelled Applications, Library, System and Users. Everything went okay, except for after the install when it was readying the machine for my personal data, it got stuck.

I simply rebooted and apparently it by-passed that step. Everything is working well. My old Doxie scanner was in that category and I have to move it over to Windows 10 with a work around.

Now I just dual boot to an older version to use the scanner. Highly recommended on upgrading via ethernet connection to prevent loss of data packets.. I have a Mac Pro five, one with a metal compatible video card. However Catalina is refusing to download let alone install.

What can be done? Unfortunately, the Mac Pro 5,1 is not one of the Catalina Compatible Macs being officially supported. And though I cannot exactly recommend it, there just might be some hacks out there for you. Perhaps someone else will point you in the right direction.

I ended up optiong for Option-Command-R recoverry mode reboot. This allowed me to install the new OS via the internet boot recovery. Good to know I am not the only one with this problem. Installation of Catalina via the Recovery mode will be an absolute last resort. Will keep trying until then. I did not do a clean install. Precious to Catalina install I was having wake from sleep issues. Odd … as I am running Photoshop on Catalina as we speak … Did you try it and have problems, or just assume??

Been looking around for a driver but not luck.. Contacted OWC-was told to watch blogs they are working on it. Hi Bruce! As you can tell by the comments on this post, many people are having problems installing Catalina. We do take this stuff seriously, researching as much we can to try and keep people informed and updated. Watch this blog and scour others as much as you are able, and if you come across any useful information, please share it with us here — we will do the same!

I downloaded and and started the upgrade of Catalina. When the upgrade completed, it said it needs a touch-id or password to alter some system preferences to complete it successfully. I had only an option to cancel so I canceled the screen, it then went to a screen with a spinning wheel.

After Catalilna install, during the last phase of install , after I looked at spinny wheel for 3 hours, I powered off and then back on. No problem with mail for me, after I went back into mail setup and reentered the password to access the mail account. Had same problem initially but after about three hours it opened. That new USB installer was able to boot into recovery and then I was able to restore my disk from time machine.

Not sure what do do but currently I can use Support provided a link to beta firmware that worked great. I was not an early tester at that point, so no tellign that such is availble at this early stage of I powered off and powered on as suggested by several websites. Did not work. I have an upgradable MacBook Pro. I have downloaded the installer file two different times. I have run the installer.

It runs. Does its thing. Then on restart, boots back into Mojave. I just ran disk first aid with no issues found. The installed drive is not OEM as I had to replace the original. The install process goes to the point of rebooting. Then it goes back to my login screen. I log in and it is still Mojave. After installing go to Startup manager using the Option key on boot, select the drive you want, should then boot up that drive.

Assuming that happens, proceed to System Preferences, select Startup Disk to be sure it is set to the new installation drive. I have seen this problem several time before but this is easy fix if wrong drive was selected. I need to clarify my original post.

The installer does its thing up to the point were it reboots to finish installing the system. I just reboots into the old OS. It does not finish the installation. I think it is related to the non OEM drive. I have also tried installing the OS on an external drive. Still have not had luck with that. Hmmm… I will attempt more another day.

Walked away after Catalina downloaded and started install. Returned minutes later to a black screen. Still nothing but black screen and I seem to have no control of my machine. Pleeeze help. Apple has become negligent in their installers providing adequate screen notification of OS installation progress. I installed Catalina on two computers the day it was released and it took roughly an hour to install.

Much of that hour was was a black screen or at times a black screen with a progress bar. Hard to say if power cycling your computer during the installation messed things up. I downloaded Catalina for my Mac Book Pro and had no issues installing it. I followed through the wizard steps as instructed and the restart occurred as expected.

This has gone on for over 12 hours. I left it this long as I was not certain how long the setting up process will last. I have no access to any files as all I am allowed to enter in my username and password.

I searched on the web and found out that I could make storage space available by removing some files. I am stuck now and do not know what to do to resolve the issue. Please advice or let me know what options do I have to get my Mac working again.

I can access y emai account on a separate machine — if you leave comments at my email address given below. I have exactly the same problem with my machine. Have you found the solution? Had same problem, did the Apple advanced technical procedure — just turned off the electric supply and back on. Bingo it works with just a couple of glitches. If the installer is failing that fast after you select a target drive, I would try deleting the installer and downloading a new copy. There have been reports of corrupt installers and that is one of the symptoms.

It also fails in a slightly different manner on my rMBP in that it actually displays the reboot timer which gets to 29 and the goes non-responsive again. The odd thing is that I did get it to install onto one of our Mac Pro 5,1 systems after the hacks. My machine running Mojave downloaded the Catalina upgrade through Software Update. I used a WD hard drive to install Catalina and not my boot drive. Installation went smoothly. However upon booting for the hard drive, I have two volumes one for Catalina and a new volume for Catalina-Data.

This is a GB drive with both volumes now showing identical used space of GB. Works great tho. Catalina does create tow new volumes, a read-only system volume and a -data volume. Catalina is suppose to display them as a single combined volume. You should only see the two volumes if your booted into another system, use Terminal to view the volumes, or have them showing up in Disk Utility. You, sir, are a Mac Master. Rebooted into Catalina Desktop and it correctly displays only one icon.

Thanks so much, after many years working with macOS I had read about two volumes were created in Catalina, but I missed seeing I only had the problem when booted with Mojave. Spam Sieve if present will need to be disabled compatibility issue? Get a sandwich or wait ten to fifteen minutes and Mail Preferences will finish launching. After this, was able to use Mail Preferences without delay, until next reboot, at which time the delay is back. Not sure why. Also SpamSieve is not usable currently and has been disabled, which is a bummer.

Days of time wasted, reminding me of why I fired Microsoft Windows decades ago. It also runs slower than Sahara and takes more storage. Apple support folks are courteous and smart, but have no tools for remote control over MAC. They can only point to stuff on the screen with a little arrow, for me to do the clicking.

Kind of primitive. Storage system verify or repair failed. I got the same message! Did u ever figure it out? I have macbook air


Adobe premiere pro cc wont uninstall free

Mar 28,  · From photo-editing apps to music recording software, these articles have the lowdown on your favorite programs. Aug 02,  · Open Connections to fitgirl on hostsfile – posted in Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help: So i was looking for help on a bsod im having and the guy that was helping me pointed out. Feb 11,  · I downloaded a Plural Eyes trial software and added it on to my Premiere Pro CC. I uninstalled the software on my computer but it still shows up in my Premiere Pro in the Extensions bar. I have also opened up my Adobe Extensions .