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Codename outbreak pc game free.Download Venom Codename: Outbreak for free PC game

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A total of five characters are available in the game, each with six parameters. This endurance, strength, health, speed, marksmanship and reaction, After selecting a partner, the user can change the equipment. The arsenal consists of versatile weapons – a gun with a dozen different barrels, so the gamer gets a sniper rifle, laser, machine gun, shotgun, rocket launcher, mortar, grenade launcher, cannon, grenades.

You have to control your partner properly, without which it is almost impossible to complete missions. He is able to cover at the right moment, or shoot to kill, fulfilling the user’s commands.

The enemies behave realistically, move correctly, can shoot in any position, and are even able to chase the protagonist. Battles mostly take place on open terrain. There are battles in the corridors, laboratories, and warehouses of bases and research centers.

Affected enemies behave appropriately, if hit in the head they die, and if wounded they die according to the situation. For example, if hit in the leg, the opponent will limp. On this page you can always download Venom Codename: Outbreak for free on pc via torrent or direct link. The site is not responsible for the content of the material. Let us remind you that your property was in the public domain and that is the only reason it was published on our site. The real hook, though, is the supposed teamwork required as you lead two characters through the levels, trying to keep both alive.

Like many games, the idea looks good on paper but execution-wise it falls flat, becoming a nuisance rather than a welcome feature. The AI behind your computer-controlled teammate is simply awful, as he’ll negate any use of stealth by running around with guns blazing, shooting at everything.

As much as you might want to see him eliminated, you must keep him alive by watching his back when he enters a room, ignorant of any cover that sensible commandos would utilize. To make matters worse, navigation is a real chore due to the horrible AI path finding.

Your mate gets stuck on doors, can’t figure out how to maneuver a corner, and generally fails to go where you need him to go. Thus, you have to manually switch back and forth between characters just to get them from one room to the next. It’s a frustrating hassle that makes you wish the dual-character aspect had been canned in development. Although you have many choices at the start of each mission in terms of characters and armor, it’s difficult to notice any real difference between them during gameplay.

Characters feel like they move, take damage, and react similarly in nearly all cases. It makes for uninspired gameplay, since the attributes appear to have little bearing on the outcome. Beyond the hassles and disappointments, Codename: Outbreak is quite average, with very little in the way of innovative enemies, architecture, or weapons.

While the same gun can be changed to be used a different way, it almost feels like a lazy approach instead of a well thought out design, and adds nothing to the game.

Levels are straightforward, utilitarian, and offer none of the surprises now expected in first-person shooters. Even cut scenes are bland, with static shots and horrible voice acting.

The one redeeming feature is co-op play. Other multiplayer functions play like other also-ran shooters, but co-op is moderately enjoyable, being a feature so underused in the current crop of shooters. Even so, it doesn’t hold a candle to the co-op action in the cheaper Serious Sam games, but should receive some recognition for its availability.


Codename outbreak pc game free


It’s a funny old world. When playing the Codename: Outbreak preview code not four months ago, we here at Games Domain rather enjoyed ourselves. A quick run through the missions demonstrated its challenging AI and we weren’t entirely perturbed by the nature of the game.

So why is it, when it comes to the brushed up review code that we’re suddenly filled with a universal loathing of the game formerly known as Venom?

It’s not that the game is particularly poorly constructed, or badly scripted, or even limited in its scope – it’s the little things. Those little niggles that turn what could be a pleasant gaming experience into a horrific trawl through a hell from which it seems there is no way out. Codename: Outbreak is set in the not so far future, where the Earth’s close brush with a comet has left the planet with a rather unpleasant problem. Nestling in the comet’s tail was a race of parasitic aliens.

Falling to earth in spectacular meteor showers, they infected the scientists investigating them, the police guarding them, and the soldiers sent to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the scientists and police. Bearing a remarkable resemblance to that omnipresent sci-fi staple – the facehugger – the baby aliens attach themselves to the back of your head, therefore turning you into a zombie whose sole purpose is to walk around a lot, and when shot at, run up and down screaming: “Where are they?

Where are they shooting from? Sidetracks aside, your job as an elite member of the armed forces is to investigate, annihilate, and neutralise the parasitic threat. The action takes place through 13 levels, each with a different focus, and a different set of mission goals for the player to fulfil: from search-and-destroy to rescue missions and basic information gathering.

You’re not alone on your quest for justice, but instead you get to select a team-mate from a crack squad of soldiers, each with his own attributes and specialities – sniper, demolition, so on and so forth. Alas, there isn’t one that specialises in ladder climbing – pity really. You enter each mission as a squad of two, your buddy and cohort covering your back.

He’s controllable via a series of simple very simple commands. You can control his stance standing, kneeling, or prone – he copies you , his attack rating free fire, hold fire , and movement hold, cover me.

You can also switch between the team-mates whenever you desire, but to be honest, the best thing you may want to do is let him get on with it, because when it comes down to it, he’s one hell of a shot.

One of the problems and frustrations with Codename: Outbreak largely comes with its AI. Our friends at GSC Gameworld have clearly spent some time and effort on the antagonists here, and they’re not shy of telling us. And it’s true: this is clear in the game itself. In fact, when they’ve seen you, your time in game is generally limited as the soldiers you face are professional and not a little scary the vast majority of the time.

They’ll attempt to flank you, work together, and generally do their best to fill you with lead. It doesn’t help that they’re all crack-shots – find cover fast, because they simply don’t miss. However the AI gets its knickers in a twist when it can’t see the enemy and, as this is a game where you are encouraged to sneak about, this is a problem.

When blind to your presence, the enemy soldiers tend to do three things: a run around, b stand waving their guns around, c kneel, waving their guns around, whilst uttering two or three stock phrases obviously reserved for this occasion.

At first it’s amusing, and extraordinarily easy to pick them off, but just wait for them to assume positions b or c – but it becomes irritating pretty fast. Sadly, the good parts of the AI don’t seem to extend to your hapless team-mate other than the uncanny ability to shoot better than Billy the Kid when in a tight spot , probably because he has to act in concert with you, rather than his cleverly programmed counterparts.

Since, as we’ve mentioned, many of the missions are supposed to be stealthy, you may wish to turn off your team-mate’s ability to fire, but even this won’t stop him from standing in the middle of the enemy’s field of fire when you’re crouched handily behind a large rock.

See you later then, chum. Also, and this is particularly unfair, your team-mate has been gifted with superhuman abilities. When attempting to discover an alternate entrance to a particularly thorny area, we took what we thought was the novel approach of swimming around the guarded area, in a handy river.

Turns out the river was only handy for showing us poor quality water effects, since the entire area was ringed with ‘unclimbable’ hills – apparently ruthless soldiers don’t possess the ability to scramble up anything other than a moderate slope. In fact, should you stand, crouch, or even lie down on a hill of over about 30 degrees, you’ll start to slide down it.

It goes without saying how ridiculous it is to be lying on the floor sliding down a very small incline. The limitation doesn’t, however, extend to our superhuman comrade – hearing sudden gunfire during one flashpoint, he could be seen standing right in the middle of said unclimbable hill, being peppered with bullets by a selection of eager opponents.

Similarly, when standing on a piece of scaffolding, he spotted a guard high in an observation tower. Obviously overcome with the sight of an enemy, he casually ignored such a little thing as gravity, and ran across the intervening space which, we should add was 15 foot above ground level to get a better shot. We could even forgive the sap for being superhumanly gifted if he at least managed to obey the most simple command – “follow me”.

Many of the missions require crawling through limited spaces, sneaking around different access points, and so on. Surprised we were, when we turned to our companion to check on his status, and found him still running around on the floor of a lower level, having been seemingly challenged by the difficult combination of a ladder and an airduct.

You can walk through mid-air! How about you spend less time showing off, and more time learning basic climbing skills? Okay, so we’ve griped about the engine. But what about the game itself? As mentioned, you’ll often be tasked with infiltration missions – “take it stealthy” – your Russian voiceover advises you. Perhaps the Russian ought to buy a new dictionary, that is unless the definition of stealthy has changed to “shoot everyone in your path” recently.

These aliens really don’t have many brains about them, because they obviously fail to check on their exterior guards. Perhaps they thought that the network of connected guard towers were simply having a tea party, and resolved to just try them again later, rather than find out exactly why they’ve stopped responding in their entirety. Passing over this, it’s the gathering information missions that irritate the most. The information in question takes the form of personal computers, notepads and so on, which those careless scientists have left lying around all over the place.

We had to hurriedly restrain ourselves from throwing our monitor out of the window when we discovered that the information source we’d been missing was a tiny and we mean tiny disk, hidden on the floor between two cabinets. Who throws disks on the floor? Do scientists do this regularly? Calm, remain calm. There are good things in Codename: Outbreak. The gun, for example, is a whole lot of fun to use – it’s a single weapon with a rotating barrel. In later levels, you can even add an extendable rocket launcher barrel for decidedly non-stealthy fragfest.

You also come equipped with a bunch of fun tools. You can drop holograms of yourself, and use a tesla generator to conceal your movements from eagle-eyed sentries, although that saps heavily from your health. Sound in the game is universally fantastic. We’d be challenged to produce a game that produces more realistic, and immersive ear-candy. The 3D sound system is perfect: voices will echo up to you from your antagonists and are well performed. It’s just a shame they don’t say more than the same three phrases.

There are also some nice touches to the visuals. Water effects aside, GSC Gameworld has implemented a system where you have a ring of detail around you. Close up, the grass is detailed, the rocks clear, and so on, but as your eye travels further, the detail begins to blur although the quality remains admirable. Faces on players are another matter, mind you. Quite who has a cone-shaped face, we’re not sure, but it seems to have been the main criteria for joining the army.

Our expectations have been comprehensively destroyed by what is a truly mediocre title. Save the world from a race of parasitic aliens? We’d rather have a nice cup of tea, thanks all the same. Dar 1 point. Needs dgvoodoo to play this, but theres still some minor issues, however nothing too much noticeable or gamebreaking. For a completely glitchless however you ll need probably authentic win98 machine with something like TNT2 card.

Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you’d like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won’t put it back online. Codename: Outbreak is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware.

You can read our online store guide. MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Buy Game GOG. Review By GamesDomain. Captures and Snapshots Windows. Write a comment Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you’d like. Send comment. Buy Codename: Outbreak Codename: Outbreak is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. Buy on GOG. Metro Blitz C64 Powerama C64 Vengeance C64 Crysis: Warhead Win Follow Us!

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Codename: Outbreak Download Full Version PC Game – replace.me


Venom Codename: Outbreak takes the player to the year Earth collides with a comet in that period, resulting in an alien takeover of the planet. The gamer with two soldiers will clear territories from invaders. Alien creatures have found a way to inhabit humans and, by parasitizing, do their own thing.

In addition, there cldename a different kind of aliens with whom you will have to fight. Parasites hatch from eggs and enter people’s нажмите чтобы прочитать больше. The behavior of the infected changes drastically and they attack ordinary codename outbreak pc game free.

The protagonist and his team will take part in the operation Outbreak, created to exterminate the enemy and to clear the locations from outbrreak infected.

Codename outbreak pc game free tactical action with RPG elements assumes passing in pairs. The player chooses his ward and partner. A total of five characters are available in the game, each codsname six parameters. This codename outbreak pc game free, strength, health, speed, marksmanship and reaction, After selecting a partner, the user can change the equipment. The arsenal consists of versatile weapons – a gun with a dozen different barrels, so the gamer gets a sniper rifle, laser, machine gun, shotgun, rocket launcher, gamd, grenade launcher, cannon, grenades.

You have to control your partner properly, without which it is almost impossible to нажмите для продолжения missions. He is able to cover at the right moment, or shoot to kill, fulfilling the user’s commands. The enemies behave realistically, move correctly, can shoot in any position, and are even able to chase the codenaem. Battles mostly take place on open terrain. There are battles in the corridors, laboratories, and warehouses of codenxme and research centers.

Affected enemies behave appropriately, if hit in the head they die, and oubreak wounded they die according to the situation.

For example, if hit in the leg, the opponent will limp. On this page you can always ссылка на страницу Venom Codename: Outbreak for free on pc via torrent or direct link.

The site is not responsible for the content of the material. Let outbrea, remind you that your property was in the public domain and that is the only codename outbreak pc game free it was published on our site.

The site is non-commercial, and we can’t check all publications of users. Download Venom Codename: Outbreak torrent [full game, newest version] Version: v 2. Look at this instruction will be opened in a new window. Release: Version: v 2.


Codename outbreak pc game free


Codename: Outbreak tries to bring some new ideas to the FPS genre. Unfortunately, execution is the final judge, not good intentions.

Despite the interesting elements thrown into the mix, Codename: Outbreak is ultimately like every other less-than-great codename outbreak pc game free to glut the market in recent years. During gameplay, you switch between first- and third- person viewpoints, though the reasons why aren’t profoundly clear. One distinct style would have served the game better, instead of what feels like a mishmash of arbitrary ideas to force you in and codename outbreak pc game free of specific perspectives.

The real hook, though, is здесь supposed teamwork required as you lead two characters through the levels, trying to keep both alive. Like many games, the idea looks good on paper but execution-wise it falls flat, becoming a nuisance rather than a welcome feature.

The AI behind your computer-controlled teammate codename outbreak pc game free simply awful, as he’ll negate any use of stealth by running around with guns blazing, shooting at everything. As much as you might want to see him eliminated, you must keep him alive by watching his back when he enters a room, ignorant of any cover that sensible commandos would utilize.

To make matters worse, navigation is a real chore due to the horrible AI path finding. Your mate gets stuck on doors, can’t figure out how to maneuver a corner, and generally fails to go where you need him to go. Thus, you have to manually switch back and forth between characters just to get them from one room to the next.

It’s a frustrating hassle that makes you wish the dual-character aspect had been canned in development. Codenxme you have many choices at the start of each mission in terms of characters and armor, it’s difficult to notice any real difference between them during gameplay. Characters feel like they move, take damage, and react similarly codename outbreak pc game free nearly all cases. It makes for uninspired gameplay, since the attributes appear to have little bearing on the outcome.

Beyond the hassles and disappointments, Codename: Outbreak is quite average, with very little in the way of innovative enemies, architecture, or weapons. While the same gun can be changed to be used a different way, it almost feels like a lazy approach covename of a well thought out design, and adds nothing to the ftee. Levels are straightforward, utilitarian, codename outbreak pc game free offer none of the surprises now expected in first-person shooters.

Even cut scenes are bland, with static shots and horrible voice acting. The one redeeming feature is co-op play. Other multiplayer functions play like other also-ran shooters, but co-op is moderately enjoyable, being a feature so underused in the current crop of shooters.

Even so, it doesn’t hold a candle to the co-op action in the cheaper Serious Sam games, but should receive some recognition for источник статьи availability. At its core, Codename: Outbreak is average, with the intended innovations making it worse, not better.

Dozens of shooters currently c. Even at a discounted price, the investment isn’t worth it unless you’re hard up for co-op play. Graphics: The visuals, outbrwak not bad, don’t reflect the expected standards of the genre at the time of release.

Models and environments are simply not cutting edge. Sound: Occasionally creepy, the fre is mainly just droning background noise. While it doesn’t get in the way, it fails to add atmospheric ambience.

Enjoyment: Frustrating gameplay смотрите подробнее to the basic design problem of guiding two characters who can’t seem fdee find their way through a door, much less through enemy fire. Gameplay is frustrating on жмите levels. Contact:codename outbreak pc game free in 0. Search a Classic Game:. Codename: Outbreak screenshots:. Replay Value: Co-op play is the only redeeming replay feature of the game.